Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is another favourite of mine in fact it’s the stone I always turn to when I need to reset and recharge. Clear Quartz has great healing properties, and it is known as a master healer. It is very good for people who undertake spiritual work, and it takes the energy to the purest state possible. This stone is a deep soul cleanser. It works on a vibrational level and detoxifies and clarifies the mind. It is very cleansing and helps regenerate cells and regulate blood pressure.

Unlike Rose Quartz which is generally connected to universal love and friendship etc, you can program Clear Quartz to work with whatever you choose such as clarity of mind, helping with memory, removing blocks, regenerating cells etc. It is a very powerful stone. However, It can sometimes be a little overwhelming, If you start feel overwhelmed or frustrated when you are wearing it or carrying it remove it cleanse it and take a break from it until you feel the need to work with it or wear it again.