
Scorpio is an interpersonal sign. It is a feminine sign and ruled by water. People born under this sign are “feelers” and they are very understanding. They require equal intimacy, they are very intense (I can always tell a Scorpio by their eyes!) They demand appreciation they are very passionate, secretive and they tell you what you need to hear. If you break the trust with a Scorpio, you will never get it back!

Scorpio is among one of the most misunderstood signs. Scorpio needs emotional fidelity and trust, in fact one of the lessons for Scorpio is to learn to trust.

Scorpio weaves a web of emotional and psychic connection’s; they require a great deal of intimacy. All signs have three levels Scorpio in its third level may become the phoenix and rise above.

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and Pluto is all about transformation. Pluto is known as the God of the underworld. Pluto fertilizes and plants new seeds in the collective. It is associated with intense and deep emotional issues. Pluto has great courage to face the underworld. Pluto is all about the fertilisation of new life and conscious penetration of the psyche to bring about transformation and change. Pluto can be known as the dark night of the soul and Pluto is the most destructive and degenerative planet. It is force versus empowerment, someone who has the power of love or the love of power! Pluto is known as the God of the underworld and stays there most of the time, occasionally coming up for business matters. Pluto is the eighth house which also connects us to the number eight and symbolises great strength. Trust the process and rebirth yourself. Scorpio also connects us to the death card in Tarot.

Some keywords for Scorpio are Procreation, trust, betrayal, tribal, secretive, honour, respect, responsibility, traditional and equality.